Our desire is that our worship is more than just a feeling or an emotional experience on Sunday mornings. We desire for Jesus to be the object of our worship, the One who we cry out to and praise and lay our lives down for on a daily basis. It is in Jesus where all pleasure and joy is found (Psalm 16:11), in Him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:3), and He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of His nature (Hebrews 1:3). So we desire for Him to be our treasure as described in Matthew 13 and we pray that as we lay down our crowns, our accomplishments, our idols that He would become our satisfaction, our hope, our rock, our joy, our desire and that because of this, our corporate worship is an overflow of our love for Jesus. We pray that our corporate times of worship are times where Jesus is magnified in our hearts and that we are encouraged and edified as the body of Christ. We pray that our worship services are times where God’s Spirit moves and draws men to Himself and glorifies the Son. Worship is more than songs we sing; it’s about Jesus being supreme in our hearts and we live that out by being a living sacrifice for His glory in the world!!
Choir meets on Wednesday Nights at 6:15 to practice and rehearse for Sunday mornings and other special events that we have planned. We would love you to join us!
After filling out the information on the form, Powers Tidmore will be in contact with you.